Welcome to SURAJE

The theme of child centered development of the society arose in the mind  of Ven Sheela Nand Jee- an prominent Budhist of this area in the year 1981. He felt that more than 90% of Girls of  this area  are out of school and are illiterate. There is gradually increasing violence and decreasing peace in this area which will create  great problem in future, for the Nation and the world. Women are the true image of Peace & devotion. There is also a relation between Peace and Education. So he felt that the Society needs To proper care of child, To Educate Women, To Insure good Health for each Child, Job For Every Youth and  direct Participation of Society in Governance Process.  So He mobilized people to Organize  a Voluntary Organization with above theme. The First emphasis was given on Women and the first activity started was work oriented education to Rural girls who are out of the main stream of education and are either house servant or  laborer. This organization not only provided education up to secondary level but established its identity as an organization who established a movement for girls education in the District. Later on elaborated  its area  of  intervention  adding  Early Childhood Care, Health and  Poverty Alleviation Programs of the society.

Urmila Devi