Promotion of People’s Organization

Promotion of People’s Organization

Over the years – the organization has been in touch with people’s organizations like Village Service Volunteers and Bihar Mahila Maha Sangha to pursue development activities and promote grass roots good governance with transparency and answerability to public.


1. The Village Service Volunteers
Needless to say – this concept of the organization has been a development model that has not only enabled the local level youths to mark up their creative activities in development oriented prospects of the locality and rather enabled to put forth their democratic demands in well regulated and democratic manner through public support in pro people manner.

In fact, this concept is a formal model developed by the organization to promote the local level volunteers especially youths to ensure development activities in coordination with all stakeholders of society including Civil Society and Convergence Agencies & promote social service environment with true democratic sprit so that governance and promotion activities are properly taken at grass roots level & ensured proper enforcement of law and order in dynamic manner.

Over the years –  organization has trained youths of local areas in different fronts and forums in marked up manner and has enabled them to have exposure in different aspects of governance and democratic development perceptions on different issues that promotes and protects rights of the poor and deprived mass an in particular the vulnerable

2. Volunteers Meet
Till date the organization has trained and developed a team of volunteers in different parts of Rohtas and Orangabad district that comes to the tune of 4672 in numbers. This year – SURAJE had organized a Volunteers Meet at Sasaram in the campus of Town High School where more than 60 volunteers had gathered to discussion on burning issues, decide course of action to act upon that and pursue liaison and rapport with Govt. line departments for ensuring proper action.  

3. Bihar Mahila Maha Sangha :
This is one of the Democratic Set up of organized women In Rohtas district of Bihar that really acts as protector and promoter women and child rights in different parts of Rohtas district. Since the organization has developed a number of women SHGs for development activities and has provided Micro Finance support – over and above their social security measures like insurance provision etc. the organization has empowered them to be democratic in their united efforts and be able to access to & demand their rights and entitlements in legitimate manner. Till date 7513 members have been organized under the banner of Bihar Mahila Maha Sangha.

As a democratic unit, Bihar Mahila Maha Sangha not only pleads for women rights but also extends coordinating support to SURAJE in liaison and facilitation of women related issues with Govt. and line department authorities. In fact, this federation is yet a formal union of organized women and not yet been registered. The organization intends to develop this federation as Rights based Forum for up keeping the rights and ensuring entitlements of deprived and marginalized women in different districts of Bihar at large.

4. Documentation Training
Organization had arranged Documentation (record maintenance, book keeping etc.) for 40 leading members of Mahila Maha Sangha to develop them as master trainers who will teach SHG members at further levels to ensure proper maintenance of records and ensure proper functioning at grass roots level.

The training was arranged in the campus of the organization at Karghar where Mr. Satrughna Nath was the resource person along with Smita Jagdev who taught them about book keeping, record (resolution etc.) writing etc. This training was an eye opener for all the participants.

Ever since inception – these two people’s institutions are now instrumental enough to help the civil society organizations and Community Based Organizations in pleading for people-centric campaigns. These groups have been very beneficial and supportive especially for the resource poor people who are unable to have access to and demand for their rights and entitlements. These two groups are very particular in marking up development activities and participate in developmental perceptions and planning at village level and pursing pro-people activities to ensure welfare of the needy and disadvantaged.