Child Care, Protection & Development

1. Childline Services

Child line India Foundation needs to start childline services in Rohtas district. SURAJE has been selected to operate collaborating centre of Childline. The Childline program was inaugurated on 5th Sept. 2018.The work is challenging and provides opportunity for justice with the core concept of the organization. So, SURAJE Team is very happy and functioning with cheer.

2. Early Childhood Care & Protection

Like previous years – The organization had been associated with Bihar Forum for Crèche and Child Care Services to facilitate campaign on rights of children in the age group of 0-6 years for their protection and promotion of wholesome development with focus on Five Major aspects i.e. Birth Registration, Immunization, Nutrition, Maternity Benefit and Primary Education.

The organization is meticulous enough on the aspect of Child Rights since they are as such neglected in its operational areas due to various obvious reasons including the vulnerability of their families but for the abject poverty.


3. School Education to Rural Girls

While focusing on the upliftment of rural women – SURAJE has simultaneously focused on the development of adolescent girls and hence emphasized on Girl Child Education with the objective of promoting access to education for the deprived mass who are remaining backward due to lack of knowledge & awareness & more particularly ill treated and exploited since they are illiterate. More particularly, their employability is found questionable since they are not educated and not even skilled to be suitable for any job.
        The consistent effort of the organization for the upliftment of the rural women and emphasized efforts for education among the rural girls through SERG i.e. Secondary Education for Rural Girls has been understood as one of the most beneficial development activities undertaken by the organization which has its most remarkable aspect of concerted efforts over the years in a very meaningful manner.

        Organization runs a Girls High School in Karghar village since 1982 which is still functional ensuring education for girl child – with specific focus on continuity of their education up to matriculate standard and promoting enrolment of eligible children in school & thus curbs drop out among girl children.

         This Girl’s School provides education to girls students from   6th standard to 10th standard. Since the very beginning the organization had initiated education for girl students from standard One. But could not be continued due to fund constraints and somehow managing to continue to impart education from 6th standard to 10th standard with the motto that – the girl child will be able to go for college education if matriculation is ensured.

        At present education is imparted from 6th to 10th standard even though the school started with classes from standard one – yet, meanwhile that has been dropped due to fund constraint. It is worth mentioning here that though available infrastructure is not sufficient for school, yet every year effort is made to improve the available assets to accommodate the standing needs and demands of students.

       At present the school is equipped with 10 teachers (including two lady teachers) One Head Master, One Sports Teacher, One Clerk and Two Peons. This school has a good track record of imparting good education and hence a number of students passed out from this school are well settled in different fields. One student of this school is not a Graduate Engineer and established out of State. During this year 53 students had been enrolled in 10th standard out of which 18 had been sent up and 14 have passed the Matriculation.

       The school intends to ensure proper education to children with focus on promoting interest and enabling environment for girl children. That is why over and above providing education – it is most careful to ensure all round development of girl children in their own environment. And to this end – regular sports events, annual function and other extracurricular events are arranged every year to promote development and sportive spirit among children, improve their interpersonal qualities and ensure their interactive coordination at school & community level.

      Like previous years – the organization had arranged Annual Sports and Annual Function of the school. Block Chief of the Sasaram Block had visited school and interacted with children. He had discussed with teachers and staff of the school and took note of their grievances to redress through proper channel. 

4. Action against Child Labour Trafficking & Exploitation

The organization is also associated with National level network on Child Rights named Bachpan Bachao Andolan to promote the rights of children in the age group of 6-14 years in its operational areas i.e. in Rohtas an d Orangabad district. Under this process, organization has been instrumental to work on following aspects

  1. Campaign Against Child Labour
  2. Immoral Trafficking of children
  3. Infringement of Rights of child in any form

With the support of Local Service Volunteers, Bihar Mahila Maha Sangh and core staff of organization, SURAJE had been instrumental this year to pursue Child Rights campaign in meaningful manner by pursuing the following:

        1. Urging the contestants of Panchayat election to include child rights protection issues in their election manifesto.
        2. Promoting child friendly environment in village community
        3. Promoting Disable child friendly environment in schools as well as in community
        4. Promoting environment to reduce discrimination against girl child at family & community level.
        5. Developing community level risk reduction against Disaster for children

For all these concerns – organization is in touch with Resource Groups/Persons, Convergence Agents and Technical assistance groups to extend resource and know how support to community members during the forth coming year(s).