Targeted Intervention Hiv/Aids

Targeted Intervention Hiv/Aids

Over the years the organization has made extensive effort for developing awareness among the general public in general and amongst the high risk groups in particular with focus on promoting enabling environment which could be possible to a great extent through concerted effort resting on following activities:

          (a) Behaviour Change Communication (BCC)
          (b) Condom Promotion
          (c) Sexually Transmitted Infections (STD) Management
          (d) Promoting Enabling Environment.

The organization has been in this effort since the year 2004 has thus made a continuous effort to reduce the chance; propensity and incidence of the dreaded disease HIV/AIDS amongst the most vulnerable group i.e. Female Sex Workers. During this year the organization has marked up its activities through 869 focus group discussion and 701 group discussions along with free distribution of 72220 condoms. Condom Demonstration camps were also done from time to time to promote awareness and promote knowledge on proper use of condom for safe sex among the young mass.  This has not only helped promoting awareness and knowledge but also helped promoting close relation of stakeholders with field staff that will help in further transmission of knowledge.

Further to this – the organization had organized area specific activity that bears some direct indicative symptoms of increased approach of general public to the project staff and the local level volunteers on issues of HIV/AIDS and posing queries in an inquisitive manner. Moreover, this creates scope for involvement of public in promoting the awareness campaign in proper manner especially among the High Risk Groups.

In this context 3218 IEC materials were distributed, home visits were undertaken, 70 health camps conducted, 727 vulnerable patients been treated for STI and above that – some specific works like advocacy for 31 cases and networking meetings with civil society members, police personnel and other stakeholders were conducted who are otherwise related to this group.

Of course, attention to People with HIV/AIDS had also been paid during this year and to ensure esteemed survival. 2 Nos. of Self Help Groups have been formed, follow up of 6 Self Help Groups formed during the previous year was also done. Moreover, support extended to promote their self reliance thro’ engagement in alternative source of income – especially thro’ linkage to Micro Finance Activities during this year.

Of course, contact to PLWHA was also done. During this year, two PLWHA were detected and were kept under constant watch to properly aware them and ensuring linking them to ART.

The long association of the organization with FSWs has enabled it to realize some of the harsh realities of their life and it has come to its notice that – in many cases the family members especially the children of FSWs are most neglected and are rather vulnerable to trafficking and sex trade. The organization is most eager to ensure proper rehabilitation of FSWs, ensure proper security to their children through constructive activities like promoting education for them through residential school (keeping children away from such environment) and promoting self reliance among them through orientation on suitable vocational trainings. The organization is in touch with some benevolent donors to pursue this in proper manner.